Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Crazy Life

It was fun to start a blog, but it is difficult to swing back into motion once I've neglected it. I have started a realistic endeavor, though the realistic part might be questionable. Still, I am more likely to accomplish this now than I was before. On my unemployment spree, I had a lovely few weeks of delving into books and writing and dreaming. At the start of my employments, my connection to writing plummeted, as it was reduced to remember when a month ago I thought I'd be writing all of the time. I do not want writing to become a remember when.
Now I've made an important decision. I cut back my hours at work because I realized that I do not need the money now (I might need the money later, but we can only tell so much!) but I do believe that I need to be writing now. Past the point of no return. I now have two choices: work a part time work load and just be lazy with the extra hours or work a part time work load and invest the extra hours in writing. I've set myself up to invest them, and now I am obligated to, because I just significantly cut my paycheck. Last time I wrote about making sacrifices. This time, I need to reflect and solidify the concept that if I am going to make a sacrifice for something, I better take hold of whatever I did it for! If I am going to quit a 9-5 job and change my living situation so much due to writing, and if I am now going to work less hours, due to writing, then I sure better write!
I am thrilled about it, because I have started to think of stories again. I have started to see life in words again, to watch a person and long to write about this person, to describe them, to know them, to make them known. Again, I am picking up the small and unnoticeable but oh so incredible pieces of restaurant decorations, human responses to a rainy day, children's free laughter, a perfect friendship moment. I want to be who I am again, to use my gifts again. And after all this crazy life, there is only so much of it.
Maybe I can call this phase three or something. There was the honeymoon stage, then the falling out, and now perhaps will be the steady plodding that makes anything something. Who can tell? Only tomorrow.


  1. I am relieved to read this. I am so happy to hear that you are writing again. God is truly present.

  2. Melissa,

    "If I am going to quit a 9-5 job and change my living situation so much due to writing, and if I am now going to work less hours, due to writing, then I sure better write! "

    This is philosophy 101, logic!

    You make a really good point about true sacrifice. Just like true humility, it can be feigned with large, sweeping "sacrifices." However, true sacrifice seems to be a quiet, steady and faithful endeavor. It seems that the wide gate is so wide, because there are so many good (bad) excuses. The straight and narrow calls you by name (first middle and last).

  3. I echo what Andrew said, I am glad you are writing again! You are in my prayers.
